Russell Hunter Group

Moon Blindness What is it?

Moon Blindness can be described as: "an acute, non-granulomatous inflammation of the uveal tract of the eye, occurring commonly in horses of all breeds, worldwide... It is the most common cause of blindness in horses."

Moon Blindness is a systemic combination of fungus and bacteria attacking the immune system with punishing affects on the animal’s eyes.

Sadly, Moon Blindness affects about 10% of the horse population.

There are many causes of Moon Blindness, however there is one thing that they all have in common. All cases of Moon Blindness involve bacterial and fungal infections.

Unfortunately, the normal treatment of antibiotics and steroids have little effect since antibiotics do not kill fungi and steroids often encourage fungal infections.

Fear no more!

Moon Blindness need not be the end of your horse’s natural eyesight! Our supplements go straight to the root, bolstering the immune system to eliminate this dreaded disorder.

What can you do about it?

ClearzRX is the answer

ClearzRX A is a natural proprietary mixture of cleavers, jewel weed, and sumac which stimulates the immune system to kill a large variety of bacteria and fungi.

ClearzRX B is a natural proprietary mixture of horsetail and cucumber magnolia which stimulates the body’s ability to repair by providing minerals and supports the liver to expel toxins.

Buy it now

Item Name Description Unit Price Qty
H001 ClearzRx Horse 10 day Supply $ 700.00
H002 ClearzRx Horse 20 day supply $ 1350.00

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We do not intend to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.

If the user is making a change, has current medical needs or constraints, is taking prescription drugs, or is pregnant or nursing, they should seek the advice and support of their medical physician prior to embarking on a new program.

Following our advice, following our health program, or receiving our therapies is a personal choice.

By reading and acknowledging this agreement, you indicate that you voluntarily accept to undertake this health program and you release Russell Hunter Group and Real Hope Wellness Center and all other associates and team members from responsibility and liabilities associated with your change in lifestyle.

You also release Russell Hunter Group and Real Hope Wellness Center and all other associates and team members from any and all complications that may arise from any of our suggestions or offered therapies, including but not limited to the use of the Vital CEDSA, BioMat, FSM Therapies, Thermal Therapy, and Emotional Release Therapies, Foot Detox Bath and any herbal or homeopathic supplement.

Responsibility and liability for making any changes in diet, and use of any products are your sole responsibility and your right!

It's your animal!

Make it work!

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This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.